Overseas property news - Are celebrity house prices affected by the star factor?

Are celebrity house prices affected by the star factor?

"Celebrities often make their homes in awe-worthy mansions, decked-out beach houses, or elegant (yet still cozy) retreats, and many of these houses are located in some of the country’s ritziest neighborhoods. Because of this, it’s no surprise that celebrity houses go for millions of dollars when they’re put on the market," writes Chris Kolmar, Chief Armchair Economist for Movoto.

But do house prices get a lift from the star factor of its inhabitant?

Research from Movoto suggests that relationship between celebrity and house price is slightly more nuanced with an infographic showing both the success stories and failures encountered by celebrity homeowners.

Twilight hearthrob Rob Pattinson leads the Pack, with his home in Los Angeles worth £91,583 per cent square foot - 202 per cent more than the average house price in the california area. Ryan Reynolds enjoyed a rise of 19 per cent to $783 per square foot on his Los Angeles abode, although it sold for less. Katy Perry, meanwhile, has seen her value drop to $628 per quare foot - significantly lower than the area's average of $861.

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