Overseas property news - Ajman project on track

Ajman project on track

Property developer Aqaar has confirmed that the first phase of Ajman One, the emirate's first fully integrated complex, is on schedule for completion and handover in Q1 2011...

Ten of the 12 residential towers in the £440 million mixed-use scheme have already sold out, illustrating that there is much demand for good quality property in Ajman.

Rami Dabbas, CEO of Aqaar told the press, "We aimed from the beginning to build a long-term strategy, based on three key elements: professionalism, by partnering with reputable contractors; sustainability, by developing self-funded projects; and pro-activity, by offering a unique and flexible payment scheme which can meet our client's needs under any circumstances.

"Despite the current tough situation, our investors, who are mostly end-users, can look forward to receiving their keys without any hassles. This strongly demonstrates our forward-thinking values and strategic plans are well in place," he added.

Phase one of Ajman One will consist of 3,000 apartments. Aqaar is one of the first developers to register with Ajman Real Estate Regulatory Agency, permitting the firm to sale residential units.

Source: www.homesoverseas.co.uk/news

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