Overseas property news - World cup boost for buoyant brazil

World cup boost for buoyant brazil

The outlook for Brazil’s property market has been nothing but sunny for a few years now, but the news that the country has been named as the host nation for the 2014 FIFA World Cup will only serve to turn up the heat…

The world looked on as the 2006 tournament kick-started consumer confidence in Germany, but whilst they needed a cup to lift them out of the doldrums, Brazil doesn’t need the same medicine. The boom is already on.

Part of Goldman Sachs-coined BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China), tipped to collectively overtake the G7 economies by 2050, Brazil can now get even with its team mates on the sporting front. China has the 2008 Olympics, India the 2010 Commonwealth Games, Russia the 2014 Winter Olympics, and how apt that Brazil should take the football.

National passion

As Brazilian president Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva said “soccer is more than a sport for us, it’s a national passion.”  And having won the Cup it five times, they certainly have the credentials for a good event.

Samantha Gore, Sales & Marketing Director of Brazil specialist agents uv10 comments, “Major global sporting events automatically improve local transport links and facilities and also serve to showcase the country’s best assets to millions of viewers. We can only imagine the effect the World Cup will have on Brazil.

In areas such as Pipa, just south of Natal in the northeastern state of Rio Grande do Norte, prices are already storming on up at 20 to 30% per annum and as it’s a favourite resort with wealthy Brazilians, finding rental accommodation is a challenge. The Brazilian property market is far from its peak and there’s plenty of growth to be seen between now and 2014.”

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