Overseas property news - Practical pleasures in the med

Practical pleasures in the med

Cruising is usually associated with the pursuit of pleasure, not knowledge, but a new British company is unashamedly pursuing the academically-minded. Launching in May, Voyages to Antiquity plans a series of historical cruises around the Mediterranean...

The British historian, John Julius Norwich, a partner in the business, says: "Voyages to Antiquity itineraries have been planned to reveal as much as possible of the literally inexhaustible wealth that the Mediterranean lands have to offer and to explain it to people who are genuinely eager to see and to understand.

"We are not interested in mere cruises in the sun; our only ship, Aegean Odyssey, has no Casinos, no discos, no black tie. On the other hand, we recognise that our fellow travellers are on holiday - they deserve comfortable cabins and the best food that we can provide.

"And we also know that there are few pleasures like getting together in the evening over a drink or two to discuss the wonders that we have seen during the day."

Voyages to Antiquity is offering a free flight from Australia for two of its cruises - Athens to Rome on May 15 and Rome to Venice on May 30. The Athens to Rome cruise is $5295 and the Rome to Venice cruise is $5575. Bookings must be made by March 8.

Phone (07) 5575 8094, see http://www.voyagestoantiquity.com.au/.

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